The Game

A nice short article:

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” — Albert Einstein

Well said, Einstein.  This is what I’m working on right now in my spare time (the couple hours a day when Aiva’s napping and the late hours at night).  Reading up, learning, doing research.  Made my first call today,  we’ll see how it goes in January.

I’ve been looking into some REIT’s as well and it looks like there are some good opportunities there.  I will go in as soon as I am able to raise a little bit more capital and liquidize some of my current assets (the card business has been slow lately but should pick right up once the NBA starts again).

So time to gain some knowledge, make some mistakes, and build lots of value!

~ by airlesstraveled on December 9, 2011.

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